Designer: Matti Klenell (Sweden) & Craftsmen: Shu-Fa Wu (Taiwan), Mao-Hui Chen (Taiwan) and Hsing-Tse Liu (Taiwan)
Wood, bamboo, lacquer
26,2 x 25,1 cm / 27,1 x 24,4 cm / 32 ,9 x 15,4 cm
Bamboo is an environmental friendly, natural composite material which has been used in Asia for centuries. It has been explored in a more artistic style applying heat to bend the slender pieces of bamboo. By picking up the right bamboo, removing the knots and the oil, drying and preserving it, by cutting, sawing, carving, gouging, heating, inserting, gluing, assembling and nailing, the pieces of furniture have been achieved in a very artisanal way.
A New Layer is an established network which has been set up – after the Yii Project curated by Gijs Bakker until 2011 – by a group of talented Swedish designers – Carina Seth Andersson, Matti Klenell, Stina Löfgren, Gabriella Gustafson & Mattias Stählbom – TAF Architects –, in close connection with the NTCRI (National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute), Taiwan.